Leadership & Career Coaching

Nicole ​Williams

Chartered Coaching & Occupational ​Psychologist

About me

Coaching Psychology for ​Professional Success

I am an experienced psychologist specialising in coaching professionals ​across diverse industries and job roles.

As a dual Chartered Coaching & Occupational Psychologist, accredited ​by both the British Psychological Society and Health & Care Professions ​Council, I bring over 15 years of expertise to my coaching practice.

Having held senior leadership positions and balanced a thriving career ​with family responsibilities as a married mother of two, I understand the ​unique challenges professionals face when juggling work - life pressures ​and expectations.

Let's navigate your journey together towards fulfilling your career ​development and personal growth.

Coaching Portfolio

In my role as a coach, my goal is to help you develop the ​self understanding, skills and attitudes that will enable you ​to succeed in life and at work. Often people have a goal in ​mind, or they have a challenge they wish to overcome. ​Some of the topics I coach people on include:

  • Improving job performance
  • Relationships / conflict at work
  • Managing emotions at work
  • Returning to work following a career break / parental ​leave
  • Starting a new job or career
  • Leadership and management challenges
  • Achieving work-life balance
  • Work-related stress
  • Psychological blocks (imposter syndrome, ​procrastination, avoidance, perfectionism etc)
  • Time management
  • Confidence building & assertiveness
  • Developing self awareness (through tools such as 360 ​feedback or personality profiling)

Top View of Tired and Exhausted Employee
Young tired blonde woman with long hair at office


  • Chartered Coaching Psychologist
  • Chartered Occupational Psychologist
  • CMI Level 7: Cert Coaching & Mentoring
  • IAFPD: Cert in Coaching (Cognitive ​behavioural coaching)
  • IAFPD: Primary Cert in Developmental ​& Transition Coaching
  • IAFPD: Primary Cert in Acceptance & ​Commitment Coaching
  • IAFPD: Primary Cert in Assertion & ​Communication Skills
  • BPS Level B Psychometric Test User: ​Saville WAVE & Hogan
  • 360 Feedback Facilitator

Memberships & ​Ac​creditations

  • International Society for Coaching ​Psychology: Member
  • Association for Coaching: Member
  • British Psychological Society: ​Chartered Member
  • British Psychological Society ​Division of Coaching: Full Member
  • British Psychological Society ​Division of Occupational ​Psychology: Full Member
  • Health & Care Professions Co​uncil: Registered Practitioner Ps​ychologist


I help coachees to establish a clear goal, even when it ​may be unclear to begin with. We will explore what needs ​to happen to achieve your goal, and work through any ​mental blocks that may be a barrier to your progress. I will ​aim to stretch coachees, sometimes outside of their ​comfort zone, but always within a supportive and non ​judgemental coaching relationship. I love to see people ​overcome their challenges, gain new perspective and ​fulfil their true potential.

I subscribe to the Global Code of Ethics for coaches, ​mentors and supervisors (see: ​https//www.globalcodeofethics.org) as well as the British ​Psychological Society and Health Professions Council ​codes of ethics.

I undertake frequent coaching supervision. Good quality ​coaching practice requires regular supervision as this ​ensures standards are maintained.


I am based in the North West of England, but I am able to ​offer coaching remotely via MS Teams to anywhere in the UK ​and globally.

Coachee Testimonial

"I had a fantastic experience with Nicole as my coach. ​She was extremely supportive, listened to my problem(s) ​and helped to guide me through these by helping me ​think of alternative ways of thinking/doing and ​approaching situations. I really liked learning some of ​the psychology around behaviours with Nicole, as this ​helped me to understand "why" things were happening ​so I could get more clarity and move forwards in the ​situation. I would most definitely recommend Nicole as a ​coach."

Find out more

I offer prospective coachees an initial 30 minute ​exploratory meeting free of charge. This provides ​both of us an opportunity to consider whether we ​wish to work together. It is just as important that ​you feel comfortable with me, as it is that I feel able ​to work with you. At the end of the first session, if ​we are to work together, we will arrange to meet for ​an agreed number of sessions.

We will agree the appropriate length and frequency ​of sessions depending on your individual ​requirements.

I offer single session coaching or programmes of ​three to six sessions, usually 90 minutes per session. ​Longer term coaching can also be offered depending ​on your requirements.

For individuals seeking career or life coaching, fees ​start from £115 per 90 minute session, with ​discounted packages available from £300 for 3 ​sessions. I offer a free initial exploratory conversation.

Organisations requiring Executive or Leadership ​Coaching packages can request further information ​on associated fees.

Psychometric assessments can be included at an ​additional charge.

Get in touch for further information on packages ​and associated fees, with no obligation.

African-American business coach with the laptop


Contact Me

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Nicole Williams Organisational Psychology Ltd